Training of technicians from health regions in the investigation of COVID_19 cases and collection of data with the DHIS2 Tracker mobile app
As part of the response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Guinea-Bissau, with the support of its various technical and financial partners, has chosen, like many countries, to use the DHIS2 platform for the management of response data.
Thus, a mobile application (DHIS2 Tracker) was created to carry out investigations, contact follow-up, screening at the land and sea entrance doors and in the pneumology / infectious diseases departments of the reference hospitals. It is in this context that a series of training courses is organized for the benefit of stakeholders at the regional and central levels.
The general purpose of these sessions
training is to help improve the response against COVID19 in Guinea-Bissau.
Specifically, they are:
1. Strengthen the skills of those responsible for investigating cases;
2. Improve the identification and notification of suspected cases and contacts;
3. Improve the follow-up of confirmed suspected cases and contacts;
4. Improve sorting at air, sea and land gateways
5. Improve data management for the covid-19 response.
The methodology used includes:
• Practical training in small, homogeneous groups on COVID-19 case definitions, handling
application, the research visit plan, the health information circuit
• simulation exercises. The duration of the training is 03 days per health region.